Navigating the Reading World:

What Every Parent Needs to Know

Embark on a transformative journey that demystifies reading instruction and equips you with the tools to guide your child's literacy with confidence and joy.

Grab and Go Now...

Gain confidence in supporting your child’s literacy journey!

Reduce stress and frustration related to reading instruction.

Implement evidence-based methods that lead to a 95% success rate.

Make informed decisions about reading materials and practices

You Are Not Alone

Parents across America share your frustration in helping their children learn to read. Common advice like “Read to your child” often comes with little to no support. Many parents invest extra time and money in phonics programs, yet remain uncertain about how to measure their child’s progress effectively.

Most of us were taught to read using outdated methods, but change is underway. Schools are now beginning to adopt evidence-based approaches as outlined in the "Science of Teaching Reading."

To best support your child and collaborate effectively with their teacher, it's crucial to be equipped with this information.

Why We’ve Been Missing the Mark

For generations, reading instruction has relied on observation, leading to various theories like phonics, whole language, and balanced literacy. Unfortunately, this led to gaps in understanding and inconsistent results. Today, we have more information than ever to guide us in providing systematic, explicit instruction that delivers consistent results.

In this Grab and Go Video Session, you’ll learn about the Science of Reading and how it combines observational research with brain-based studies. We’ll cover the developmental and foundational skills that lead to a 95% success rate.

You'll receive practical strategies you can implement immediately to support your child’s reading development and make reading a joyful and successful experience for your child.

Why We’ve Been Missing the Mark

For generations, reading instruction has relied on observation, leading to various theories like phonics, whole language, and balanced literacy. Unfortunately, this led to gaps in understanding and inconsistent results. Today, we have more information than ever to guide us in providing systematic, explicit instruction that delivers consistent results.

In this Grab and Go Video Session, you’ll learn about the Science of Reading and how it combines observational research with brain-based studies. We’ll cover the developmental and foundational skills that lead to a 95% success rate.

You'll receive practical strategies you can implement immediately to support your child’s reading development and make reading a joyful and successful experience for your child.


Support for Parents, Success for Readers

Are you ready to transform your child’s reading experience?

Begin your journey with the "Navigating the Reading World: What Every Parent Needs to Know" and gain the knowledge and strategies to confidently support your child's reading journey.

Let’s make reading a delightful experience for you and your family!



Meet Your Instructor

Theresa Hicks, M.Ed.

I’m thrilled to have you here as we explore the ever-changing landscape of reading instruction. My passion for teaching reading has been a driving force throughout my career. Like most teachers in America, my post-graduate studies left gaps in how we really learn to read. This led to frustration and challenges as a teacher and a mother of three. When The Science of Teaching Reading began to gain momentum, everything I had ever learned finally made sense. We now have the tools to make this journey easier for parents and more effective for children.

Meet Your Instructor

Theresa Hicks, M.Ed.

I’m thrilled to have you here as we explore the ever-changing landscape of reading instruction. My passion for teaching reading has been a driving force throughout my career. Like most teachers in America, my post-graduate studies left gaps in how we really learn to read. This led to frustration and challenges as a teacher and a mother of three. When The Science of Teaching Reading began to gain momentum, everything I had ever learned finally made sense. We now have the tools to make this journey easier for parents and more effective for children.

Here's what makes us different:



online course that explains the "Science of Teaching Reading"  in a step-by-step format for parents.


designed to meet the needs of parents who want to cut through the noise and get to the facts.


approach that recognizes the importance of parent and teacher communication.


coach ready to help you create a plan specific to your family's needs.

Don't just take it from me...

Here's what Parents are saying:

I was worried about my son writing his letters backwards. Theresa provided the best explanation ever.

Thank you soooo much!

Chrissy First Grade Mom

I love working with Theresa. I knew my daughter was struggling and I was frustrated because what I was doing didn't seem to help.

Now I understand exactly what to do!

Alex  Kindergarten Mom

My daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. Theresa helped me communicate with the school to get extra reading materials for our home.

Jasmina Fifth Grade Mom

Help My Child Read is here to help.

Once a child is behind it is very difficult to catch up.

When a child falls behind in reading, catching up can be challenging. By investing time now to understand reading instruction, you'll ensure your child builds a strong foundation. This knowledge will also equip you with the skills to support your child as they tackle more complex material in the future.


Navigating the Reading World: What Every Parent Needs to Know


Grab the session HERE!