Reading Course

for Parents

Simplify your life by learning how we read so you can make high quality decisions as you navigate your child's literacy journey.

Grab the Course!

Feeling in the dark about your child’s progress?


You know that phonics is important but don’t know the other key skills necessary for success.

You want to talk to your child's teacher but are overwhelmed with terms and don't know how to start the conversation.

You read to your child consistently and participate in extra activities but are unsure if this hard work is making a difference.

You are not alone.

Parents across America are expressing the frustration they feel helping their child read. They are offered common advice like “Read to your child” with little to no support. They spend extra time and money on Phonics programs but are uncertain how to evaluate results.  

Most likely, you were taught to read using a failed system of instruction but the culture is changing. Schools are finally following the evidence outlined in the "Science of Teaching Reading.”

You need to be equipped with this information so you can best help your child and collaborate successfully with your child's teacher.

Imagine you could...


  • Stop spinning your wheels and identify exactly what your child needs.

  • Participate in a constructive conversation with your child's teacher that delivers results.

  • Spend less time worried about your child's progress and more time celebrating their success.


Imagine you could...


  • Stop spinning your wheels and identify exactly what your child needs.

  • Participate in a constructive conversation with your child's teacher that delivers results.

  • Spend less time worried about your child's progress and more time celebrating their success.


The Reading Course for Parents

This is course is designed specifically for parents who want to make high-quality decisions, optimize communication with the school, and prepare their child for a lifetime of accomplishments. 


Take control of your child's success

It is difficult for parents to find information in clear and simple terms. They are encouraged to complete activities, buy products, pay for tutors.

Teachers speak a language that is unfamiliar to parents.

A lot of additional work is unnecessary if your child has been taught the foundational skills in a systematic order.  

This course provides a clear step by step explanation of how we learn to read, simple activities for home and guidance on how to communicate with the school...

Cut through all the noise and learn the basics that are critical for success.

Less Stress, More Success!


You will discover ...

The evidence based trend sweeping across the country and the positive impact this "Science of Teaching Reading" is having on the literacy crisis.

How to maximize your time by learning the  foundational skills necessary to be a competent reader and how to strengthen these skills at home.

The background knowledge that enables you to create a successful, collaborative partnership with your child's reading teacher.

Parents don't realize that most children in America struggle learning to read!

Meet Your Instructor

Theresa Hicks, M.Ed.

As a mom who raised three boys while teaching elementary school, I understand the challenges parents face helping their children read. 

For generations, America has been in a tug of war over how we learn to read. Even with a Masters Degree in Education, I had to navigate conflicting information about how to help my own children.

Finally, there is a clear path to reading success backed by brain imaging. This evidence is referred to as "The Science of Teaching Reading."

You deserve a clear explanation of this ground breaking information in a format designed specifically for parents. 

Meet Your Instructor

As a mom who raised three boys while teaching elementary school, I understand the challenges parents face helping their children read. 

For generations, America has been in a tug of war over how we learn to read. Even with a Masters Degree in Education, I had to navigate conflicting information about how to help my own children.

Finally, there is a clear path to reading success backed by brain imaging. This evidence is referred to as "The Science of Teaching Reading."

You deserve a clear explanation of this ground breaking information in a format designed specifically for parents. 

Here's How the Course Breaks Down

The Truth About Reading

Learn about the gaps in reading instruction, the role Phonics plays in the learning process and how brain researchers are helping us understand the simplest path to success.

A Complex Web of Skills

Successful Readers utilize multiple skills. These skills need to be in place early and are not limited to Phonics.  Understand how these skills work together to build the strong foundation children can rely on for a lifetime. 

Putting it All Together

Learn how to guide your child through the reading process by selecting appropriate materials, learning how to read with your child and understanding what is happening in your child's classroom. 

Here's what makes us different:



online course that explains the "Science of Teaching Reading"  in a step-by-step format for parents.


designed to meet the needs of parents who want to cut through the noise and get to the facts.


approach that recognizes the importance of parent and teacher communication.


coach ready to help you create a plan specific to your family's needs.

The Reading Course for Parents is for:

  • Parents who are feeling overwhelmed with tips, tricks and advice.
  • Parents who want to take the guesswork out of helping their children read.
  • Parents who want to participate in constructive conversations with the school.

You've got questions?

We have answers!

You've got questions?

We have answers!

Don't just take it from me...

Here's what Parents are saying:

I was worried about my son writing his letters backwards. Theresa provided the best explanation ever.

Thank you soooo much!

Chrissy First Grade Mom

I love working with Theresa. I knew my daughter was struggling and I was frustrated because what I was doing didn't seem to help.

Now I understand exactly what to do!

Alex  Kindergarten Mom

My daughter was diagnosed with a learning disability. Theresa helped me communicate with the school to get extra reading materials for our home.

Jasmina Fifth Grade Mom

Help My Child Read is here to help.

Once a child is behind it is very difficult to catch up.

Investing time in understanding reading will pay off now by ensuring your child has a strong foundation and will give you skills to help your child as they encounter more complex material. 

Reading Course for Parents- Introductory Price


One Year Access

Buy the Course HERE!