Can I Help You Create a Reading Routine for Your Child?

#helpmychildread #readingroutine #childrensliteracy #parentingtips #readingwithkids #earlyliteracy Aug 07, 2024

Creating a reading routine for your child is crucial for their development and success in school. In this post, we'll guide you through the steps to establish a consistent and effective reading routine.


"The single most important activity for building the knowledge required for eventual success in reading is reading aloud to children." - Jim Trelease


1. Why Reading Routines Matter

A consistent reading routine is essential for your child's academic growth. Establishing a regular time for reading helps children develop a habit that promotes literacy skills, comprehension, and a love for learning. When children know that there is a designated time for reading each day, it can help them settle into the activity more easily and with greater enthusiasm.

2. Setting a Schedule

Creating a reading schedule is one of the most important steps in establishing a reading routine. Here are some tips to help you set a reading schedule:

  • Consistency: Choose a specific time each day that works best for your child and family. It could be before bedtime, after dinner, or if you are a morning like me, spending time reading with your child while you sip a cup of coffee can get the day off to a great start for your family.
  • Duration: Start with a manageable amount of time. With very young children, 5 minutes might be all your child can manage. If your child isn't interested at first, don't worry. Read aloud anyway. Gradually increase it to the recommended 20 minutes per day as your child becomes more comfortable with the routine.
  • Flexibility: While consistency is key, we don't want children to be frustrated or feel like reading is a chore, so be a little flexible. If something comes up and you can't stick to the schedule one day, try finding another time during the day to read for a short time. Don't get stressed. If it really doesn't work one day, simply get back on track the next day.

3. Creating a Reading Space

A conducive reading environment can significantly enhance your child's reading experience. Here are some ideas for creating a cozy and inviting reading space:

  • Comfort: Ensure the reading area is comfortable with good lighting, soft seating, and minimal distractions.
  • Accessibility: Keep books within easy reach to encourage your child to pick them up and read at any time. We had a "No Technology Car." There was a basket in the back filled with books and baseball cards. 
  • Personalization: Allow your child to personalize their reading space with their favorite books, stuffed animals, and other personal items.

4. Incorporating Fun Activities

Making reading enjoyable is key to maintaining your child's interest and enthusiasm. Here are some fun activities to incorporate into your reading routine:

  • Reading Games: Turn reading into a game with activities like word hunts, reading bingo, or storytelling dice.
  • Interactive Reading: Engage your child by asking questions, making predictions, and discussing the story as you read together.
  • Theme Days: Have special reading days where you focus on a particular theme, such as "Adventure Day" or "Animal Day," and read books related to that theme.

5. Logging Reading Days

Keeping a log of the days you read together can be a great way to track your child's progress and keep them motivated. Here's how you can make logging reading days a fun and rewarding part of your routine:

  • Reading Log: Use a reading log to record the date, book title, and time spent reading each day. You can download our printable at Help My Child Read.
  • Stickers and Rewards: Make it fun by using stickers or stamps to mark each day you read together. Consider setting up a reward system where your child earns a small prize after reaching a certain number of reading days.
  • Reflection: At the end of each week, take a few minutes to review the reading log together. Discuss your child's favorite books and any new words or concepts they learned.

By following these tips, you can create a reading routine that not only supports your child's academic success but also fosters a lifelong love of reading. Remember, the goal is to make reading a positive and enjoyable experience for your child.

Ready to take your child's reading routine to the next level? Check out our Grab and Go Video sessions packed with additional tips and resources to help you support your child's reading journey. Click here to get started!

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