Power of Partnership: Parents, Schools, and the Science of Reading

brain research early literacy help my child help my child read parents phonics reading science of teaching reading Apr 03, 2024

In the journey of success, few things hold as much significance as the development of reading skills. Reading is not just a fundamental academic skill; it's a human right. It's the gateway to knowledge, education, active citizenship. Parents often feel immense pressure regarding their child's reading success. However, it's time to shift the narrative. While parents play a crucial role, they are not solely responsible for their child's reading proficiency. Instead, parents and schools must unite as partners, guided by the Science of Teaching Reading.

With the decades long tug of war over instruction, the burden of a child's reading progress has largely fallen on the shoulders of parents. From bedtime stories to teaching their children phonics, parents have been expected to nurture their child's reading abilities. While parental involvement undoubtedly contributes to a child's educational journey, the idea that parents need to take responsible for their child's reading success is outdated and unrealistic.

Brain research has shown that reading proficiency is influenced by a multitude of factors, including the quality of instruction received at school. This is where the importance of collaboration between parents and schools comes into play. Rather than viewing education as a solo endeavor, parents and schools should work together as a cohesive unit, each bringing their unique strengths to the table.

Central to this partnership is the recognition and implementation of evidence-based practices in teaching reading. The Science of Teaching Reading, grounded in decades of research, provides valuable insights into how children learn to read and what instructional methods are most effective. Phonemic Awareness, Phonics instruction, vocabulary development, comprehension strategies— are a few components of a comprehensive reading program informed by brain research.

For parents, understanding the Science of Teaching Reading can empower them to advocate for high-quality instruction in their child's school. By staying informed about evidence-based practices and engaging with educators in meaningful conversations, parents can play a pivotal role in ensuring that their child receives the instruction they need to become proficient readers.

Likewise, schools must prioritize the adoption of evidence-based reading instruction methods. This requires ongoing professional development for teachers, access to high-quality instructional materials, and a commitment to data-driven decision-making. By embracing the Science of Teaching Reading, schools can equip educators with the knowledge and tools necessary to support every student on their journey to reading success.

Ultimately, the partnership between parents and schools is essential for fostering a culture of literacy and academic achievement. When parents and schools align their efforts and commit to following the Science of Teaching Reading, the potential for student success is limitless. Together, we can ensure that every child has the opportunity to develop the reading skills they need to thrive in school and beyond.

Learn more about how we learn to read and how you can communicate with your child's teacher check out The Reading Course for Parents the Reading Course for Parents...

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